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Dipping sauce:
½ Cup mayonnaise
2 tsp ketchup
2 TBSP. cream style horseradish
¼ tsp paprika
¼ tsp salt
tsp dried oregano
Dash black pepper
Dash cayenne pepper

The Onion:
1 egg
1 Cup milk
1 Cup flour
1½ tsp salt
1½ tsp cayenne pepper
½ tsp black pepper
¼ tsp dried oregano
tsp dried thyme
tsp cumin
1 giant Spanish onion (¾ lb or more)
Veg oil for frying


1. Prepare dipping sauce by combining all ingredients in small bowl. Refrig until needed.

2. Beat egg combine with milk in a med bowl big enough to hold the onion.

3. In separate bowl combine flour, salt, peppers, oregano, thyme and cumin.

4. Now it\'s time to slice the onion - first slice ¾ inch off the top and bottom of onion , remove papery skin.
Use a thin knife to cut a 1 inch diameter core out of the middle.
Now use a very sharp large knife to slice the onion several times down the center to create the \"petals\" of the completed onion.
First slice through the center to about ¾ of the way down.
Turn the onion 90 degrees and slice it again in an \"x\" across the first slice.
Keep slicing until you\'ve cut the onion 16 times. Do not cut to the bottom.

5. Spread petals apart to make coating easier.

6. Dip the onion in the milk mixture, then coat it liberally with the dry ingredients.
Again separate the petals and sprinkle dry ingredients between them.
When well coated dip into milk the n dry coating again.
Let onion rest in refrig for at least 15 min while you get oil ready.

7. Heat oil in a deep fryer or pot until 350°, use enough to completely cover the onion.
Cook for 10 min or until brown.

8. Drain on paper towels.


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